A variety of lunch discounts are offered throughout the year
Open seven days a week 11:30 - 3:00$4 Off Adult Lunch Weekdays, $2 Off weekends
* Must present coupon and proof of residency
* Valid for up to four adult Virginia residents
* Not valid February 15, 16 or 17
* Not valid with other discounts, for groups, previously booked functions or vegetarian rate
$2.00 Off Adult Lunch seven days a week
Arrive between 1:00 and 2:30
* Must present coupon
* Offer valid for 4 adults 1:00 – 2:30
* Not valid February 15, 16 or 17
* Not valid with other discounts, groups, previously booked functions or vegetarian rate
$2.00 Off Adult Lunch Monday – Friday
* Must show ticket from Monticello, James Monroe’s Highland or James Madison’s Montpelier
* Offer valid for one adult
* Not valid with other discounts, groups, previously booked functions or vegetarian rate

Military Discount Everyday!
$4.00 Off Lunch
Valid for retired or active military personnel
* Must present a current military ID
* Not valid with other discounts, groups, family members, previously booked functions or our vegetarian rate